
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Anime Review: Fruits Basket

The story revolves around Tohru Honda, who is a 16 year old high school girl who recently lost her mother, and due to circumstances starts to live with her classmate, the very popular and handsome Yuki Sohma, and his cousins Kyo (16) and Shigure (27).

However, living with these three prove to be a lot more complicated than Tohru ever could have imagined, seeing as the Sohma family holds an ancient curse; If their bodies are under a great deal of stress, or if they are hugged by the opposite gender they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

Fruits Basket is a really cute and funny anime with a really deep message, and it will definitely have you thinking about how you treat the people around you. The message of this anime is conveyed quite well, especially if you listen to all the wise things her mother has to say. And although the story might seem a bit cliché, it doesn’t feel that way when you watch it.


One of my absolute favorite episodes is episode 6, “Invincible Friendship”. Where Tohru invites her best friends Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima to the house where she lives with the Sohmas. And NOTHING seems to go right for Tohru in that episode; Time and time again she accidently turn the Sohmas into their respective animal, thou she, with the help of the 3, manages to cover up the sudden disappearance of the boys and sudden appearance of the animals. This episode had me laughing so hard I cried, honestly, it was EPIC. Probably one of the best episodes in anime history, thou, I have no idea how her two friends didn’t figure it out in the end, but it’s a good thing they didn’t, since then the story would have had to end the series there, and that would have been so sad.

And even thou episode 6 is amazing, so is most parts of the anime. All the characters are so cute and funny you can hardly believe it. You laugh, you cry. It’s for some reason a very captivating anime, even thou this generally isn’t my favorite type of anime, since very few things happen, and there isn’t much action anywhere. It’s a very peaceful anime - which usually get quite boring – but this one has something… special. Something I can’t really put my finger on, but it’s definitely there.

I think the one and only part about this anime that I don’t like is the end-thingy, where Kyo turns into the cats “original form”. I think it’s a bit too much, and why the F is it only the cat who has such a scary form and not the other 12? Because he’s and outcast of the zodiacs? That’s just not right, thou, without it, I guess, the end might not have been as good as it was, with her making Akito become a bit more friendly, well, that’s what it seems like at least. Not enough screen time after that to be sure. And I really like how they seem to become more like a family after that than before. Shigure looks so relieved when she comes back with Kyo and Yuki. Thou, once again there is something that I don’t understand. Why did she freak out like she did? It was so out of character for Tohru. I mean, I get that she got scared when Kyo transformed like that, but her freaking out and saying that she couldn’t go back to the house and that she didn’t belong there seemed so wrong. It would have been more like her to be worried about Kyo’s feelings or what not. She knew all along that they were different, so why did the fact that Kyo had a scary second form change her mind so much? That seemed to be ONLY so that the creators of the anime could bend the story the way they wanted to, even thou it didn’t really fit with the rest.

But everything except from that was amazing, and all the characters are so CUTE and ADORABLE, they will not fail in making you laugh.


Want know more about this Anime? Go to;

Want to watch it? Go to;


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