
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Anime Review: Guilty Crown

The story takes place in Tokyo, in the year 2039, ten years after the outbreak of the “Apocalypse Virus” and the event known as “Lost Christmas”. Since then, Japan has been under the control of GHQ, a multinational organization who also goes under the name of “Anti Bodies”.

The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a pretty regular High School student with low self-esteem, who by chance meets Inori Yuzuriha, a popular singer from the internet group “Egoist” and who also is a member of the resistance group called “Funeral Parlor” or “Undertakers”. He then gets dragged into the ongoing war between them and GHQ against his will, and mistakenly obtains the power of the “Void”.

Guilty Crown is partially a great story, but partially… not so good. It had me laughing, feeling all awkward, wanting to know what’s next, crying, and wondering “why the **** am I watching this crap!” Sometimes it was really captivating, and sometimes it was just… BLEH! Which was sort of annoying, and confusing, and really, really sad, because it had SUCH great potential. But sometimes it just went a bit too far.


The creators of Guilty Crown really took a lot of risks. Sometimes it worked out just fine, and other times it all came crashing down.

The anime begins really well, and the first 13 episodes or so were fantastic, I don’t think they could have been done any better. And the music… I LOVE IT. Inori’s songs are so beautiful! They are kind of perfect! But then something that never ends well in an anime. A “mid-ending”. The story felt almost done after 13 episodes, and quite honestly, with a minute or two more in that episode, and it could have been one of those rare “perfect endings”. But no. Then they go and ruin EVERYTHING that they’ve built so far.

The part where they get stuck inside their school and the entire Shu’s kingdom thingy was just awful. And those few episodes ruined SO much. I just wish they had done that whole part differently, because it was the make or break point of the anime, and quite frankly, it got crushed. The revival of Gai, and the retry to awake Mana (thou that part wasn’t extremely bad, just the beginning of it), the way EVERYTHING seemed to be falling apart, and I get that Shu got upset when Hare died, but honestly, he got more upset than like every time that Inori got hurt or abducted and what not, and he LOVED her!! Hare was his friend, but HONESTLY!!! And what’s with the “she was the only one who believed in me!?!? Inori did too, and we ALL knew it!! And how could he treat Souta like that, and then NOT be completely HATED by him!! He was going to let him drown for god’s sake!! And then they make up and become good friends again!?!? SO CONFUSING!!! And one more thing, HOW THE HECK DID THAT DARYL GUY GET OUT OF THERE!?!?!? I DON’T GET IT!!! AAARGH!! *Pulling hair* So many things went wrong in those episodes…

But they actually made a really good attempt to redeem the story in the last few episodes, from the point where he got his void powers back and first used his “Void”. That was extremely well done, and the end fight was really well done as well, with just one point. If now Gai is supposed to be the bad guy, DON’T make him the good guy in the very end. That is just confusing and frustrating!! I cried when Gai died the first time, then they made him the bad guy, which just made me angry, and the he was actually a good guy all along?? Well, in his own weird way that is. And one more thing, why the heck is Mana so clingy to Shu? I get that she loved (???) him, but he rejected her quite frankly and brutally TWICE, and yet she thinks he’s going to be with her forever? And then she gets all angry about that he rejected her again? How could she not see that one coming?

The scene where Inori and Shu are dying together is so beautifully done, and it really conveys the love between the two to the viewer really well, it had me on the verge of tears (well, practically crying, but I tried not too). And I love the fact that Inori saved him in the end, but that Shu didn’t come out of it unscathed, and that he lost his sight as a result, which is something rarely ever seen in anime (at least from what I’ve seen). Usually the character who survives is unharmed in the sense that all the physical injuries heal in a rather short time span and then they spend the rest of their time, as far as we know, to mourn the person that they lost. And blah, blah, blah, we’ve all heard it before. But in this case he is left without his sight and with a metal arm (since it got cut off by Gai), and the only thing he has to remember Inori by is her music. It’s for some reason sadder that way, and at the same time the way that he feels like she is right next to him when he listens to her music is so… I don’t really have the words to explain. It’s just so perfect. But it honestly had one of the best endings ever. The last minute or so was one of my absolute favorite moments in anime history. It was GREAT. And it really ties the beginning together with the end, with it beginning with Inori’s music, and ending with it. It was a really smart thing to do, because it was such a moving end scene. And tying the beginning with the end, (sort of) made you forget about the very turbulent middle part.


Want know more about this Anime? Go to;

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