
Thursday, June 6, 2013

K-Pop Review: EXO - Wolf

EXO… Why? Why did you do this to me? I know I’ve said I don’t like you very much, but please! Mercy! And this does NOT change my feelings about MAMA. I. DON’T. LIKE. IT. But whyyyyyy ?! Why did you come out with such a perfect song? It’s cruel! I feel as if I need this song like I need air or something…

This song is freaking AMAZING! I don’t know what they did, but suddenly EXO appeal very, very much to me. It was like: BOOM! I don’t even know what happened. But EXO is very amazing. Don’t even try to argue. They just are.

The video is ONLY dance, and I love the dance soo much! And I love the CG wolves too. It looks really, really cool.

Ehum… More to say? Don’t know… Loss of words. Fan-girling… Brain meltdown? Yes. Check out below! You think?


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