
Thursday, July 4, 2013

K-Pop Review: BTS - No More Dream

Oh my god! I love this group!! I reeeeeealllyy hope they’ll stick to this sound and not become softer with their later releases. I mean I love B.A.P and I think they have made some amazing stuff, but except for ‘One Shot’ - which was freaking perfection - ‘Warrior’ is still my favorite song by them. I like their new sound, I just miss their old one. I’m not comparing them, okay. I’m just saying that I’ve seen groups that I think will turn out really bad ass become sweeties, and I really hope that’s not going to happen to BTS. I really love their sound!


I really love this sort of raw sound, and I love that they focus so much on rap, cause I L. O. V. E. rap! It’s awesome. And these guys are no joke, they are freaking amazing. Please keep doing this forever!

And the daaaance… OMG! They really are so amazing… I love this dance! It’s funny, amazing and awesome. *Having some sort of meltdown*.

What else to say…? They have some awesome CG with the baseball. But I don’t really get the video. What did it have to do with the song? Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it. I just don’t get what you were trying to tell me (if anything, it could just be a cool video) with all… that. Something it seemed to have thou was a school theme. But as I said, I feel a bit confused, unless this video was just to show of them. I guess you could interpret some of the things in the video as dreams (the baseball could be one of them), but I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter, keep doing what you’re doing guys! You’re awesome! I have a hard time believing you guys just debuted…

So check the song out below and tell me what you think! Love it? Hate it? Why?


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