
Thursday, May 9, 2013

K-Pop Review: B1A4 - What's Happening?

They’re BAAAAAAAACK!! And I totally love their new song! It’s so fun, and cute, and awesome! Have I ever told you how much I love B1A4? Have I, have I? They always make me laugh, and they are such big, adorable dorks! <3.

The song is fun, and breaks down in somewhat sad and serious moments which give the rest of the song such a kick. You just can’t help but to smile at how weird and abstract the whole thing is, which suits them perfectly. I love this B1A4, I like them when they are serious too, but I love their dorky side the most.

The video is ADORABLE, and I love the dollhouse theme for it. It suits the song very well, and it is perfect that Barbie and Ken are present in the video as well. My favorite scene is probably the elevator-scene with Baro and Ken, it so funny! And Baro is so cute~!

As always B1A4’s dances are funny, weird and perfect. They really are good dancers, and they show of with weird and adorable dance moves once again. But I don’t get how they do that! It looks as if it’s speed up or something!

And the video also taught me a new phrase: ‘Decapitation by pillow’. Confusing? Hehe! Poor Ken… No but seriously, that does happen, check it out in the video below! Tell me what you think! Do you like it?


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