
Monday, June 17, 2013

Anime Review: Tenshi Kinryouku

Setsuna Mudou is a high school student who loves his sister in a way he shouldn’t, and he also has another problem. Angels and demons appear around him, telling him that his awakening is near - he is the angel Alexis, reborn.

This anime was quite bad actually. It had a lot of potential, but I think it shows through way to much that this is an OVA that is supposed to make people want to read the manga, and it feels as if there wasn’t a lot of effort put into it.

I watched this with dubs (for some stupid reason), and they were some of the worst dubs I’ve seen. I mean, I honestly have watched better fake dubs, and that says a lot, thou the short part I watched in Japanese was kind of good. But that does not change the fact that the storyline for the OVA wasn’t very well thought through, for a 3 episode OVA there should have been less things happening, and more focus on conveying emotions to the viewers, not full action, blood, gore, and forbidden love. It made every episode feel twice as long as they actually were, and that most definitely didn’t put me in the mode to want to read the manga.

The only redeeming point about this OVA is that the end is sort of well made, and it makes you wonder just a little bit: What happens now? Not enough to actually start reading the manga immediately after you watched the anime, or actually, at all.

It’s really a shame that the OVA was so poorly made, because the story itself has a lot of potential, and I might end up reading the manga, just to find out if it was bad originally (which I honestly doubt), or if it’s just the OVA.


Want know more about this Anime? Go to;

Want to watch it? Go to;


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