
Thursday, June 27, 2013

K-Pop Review: Girl's Day - Female President

This is a kind of cute song about female independence and for girls to dare to confess their feelings. And I think that’s a great message to spread. Girl’s can do the same things boys can.

The song is fun, and it’s so hard to sit still and do nothing while this song is playing. I just want to jump around like a maniac, not caring about what anyone thinks. It’s just that type of song.

The video doesn’t really have a plot to it, there are some scenes that you maybe could interpret as a storyline, but mainly it’s just posing. But that car is so cool! Maybe it’s only me in like the entire world, but I have never seen a car that has doors that open like that! But wouldn’t it be kind of dangerous to have the doors like that? If the mechanism that holds the door closed weren’t strong enough the door would fly open due to the wind pressure. Anyway, it looked cool!

I really like this dance, I don’t really know why thou… It’s the type of dance I usually don’t like that much. It’s a very sexy dance, but it’s not over the top. I also feel as if there is a lot of attitude in the dance moves. Or maybe more like strength, “I can take care of myself” kind of strength. That’s just the feeling I get from watching them.

… Know what guys? I give up on this! Why is it so hard to write about things you like, but so easy to write about things you dislike? This song is so amazing, but I’m struggling to find something to say about it. But to criticize something, or describe something you found strange, creepy and so on is really easy… W. H. Y. ?.

Anywaaaaaayy… Sorry I ended the review with a rant, but honestly! Does that happen to you to? Or am I just a weird, negative person? And don’t forget to check the video out below and tell me what you think!


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