
Friday, March 15, 2013

March 2013: Bang Yong Guk (of B.A.P)

Birth Name: Bang Yong Guk
Birthday: March 31, 1990
Matoki: Shi Shi Mato
Hobby: Baseball, Basketball, Writing songs & lyrics

- He didn’t know how to talk until he was 5 years old.
- If B.A.P was a family he would be  the father.
- He is in Secret’s MV’s for Starlight Moonlight and Shy Boy, ha was also in 4Minute’s MV for HuH, in the ‘who’s next’ segment.

This month it’s another deep voiced rapper, but you know, it’s hard not to love them… Aaaanyywayy… Yong Guk is an amazing rapper, and I just can’t have enough of that voice. It’s so… Relaxing? Yeah, but something else too… How to explain!! You know what I mean, right?? Well, anyway, except for being an amazing rapper and dancer he’s also extremely good looking, and he’s so cute! I mean, his aegyo is a bit… strange? But that’s one of the things that make him so adorable. The way he acts and the way he looks kind of doesn’t match. His cool looks and cute personality clashes a bit, and that’s one of the things that make him such an interesting person. He’s not who who’d think he is from the first glance. And he has the most amazing smile… It makes my heart skip a beat! It’s just so beautiful! But I think I need to stop talking now… I could talk about that smile for WAAAAAAAYYY too long…

Well, it's time for me to leave so bai now guys! See you soon!


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